Ningbo Atlas Metal Hardware Co., LTD is ISO-certified trading & manufacturer of wire and metal products. Atlas metal' s predecessor was an International department of Toponewire, founded in 1993.
Over the years, the international department evolved to manufacture custom wire and metal products for many industries, including the medical, aerospace, automotive, home appliance, sporting goods, and foodservice industries. We are pleased to see our wire and metal products in such a broad range of industries and to be the OEM wire and metal supplier of choice for many companies. Manufacturing custom metal forms and wire products is our passion!
In 2019, Atlas metal commenced operations in Ningbo China. We have continued to grow with our continued focus on manufacturing value-added wire and metal products. We have a robust operation with engineers working in design, quality assurance, quality control, production, and automation. Our engineers work to deliver value every day for customers by optimizing our manufacturing process.
In 2020 we acquired or invested in many metal products mills. The continuous expansion provided Atlas metal with additional equipment, techniques, and capabilities.
We continue to focus obsessively on quality and efficiency. Our quality assurance program is built on three pillars – People Quality, Process Quality, and Product Quality. Training starts on day one and never stops. Our quality assurance engineers, quality control engineers, and quality control technicians are constantly looking at ways to improve our robust quality assurance program. A quality mindset permeates everything that we do.
Efficiency starts at the design stage of a product. It's what we call “Design for Efficiency.” We invest in cutting-edge wire and metal fabrication equipment and look for ways to manufacture in the most efficient manner. We optimize our supply chain so that we are able to purchase raw materials with the lowest delivered cost, without sacrificing quality. These savings are passed on to you.
Actively promote the new types of low-carbon and non-metallic minerals, develop new applications and new products, making contributions to human civilization.
Care for and protect the Earth’s Environment, Reasonable development and utilization of nonrenewable resources isour most important company philosophy.
Our Aim is to meet clients' demands, settle the clients' problems and satisfy the clients.
Decrease the costs from mining, ore-dressing, processing, and production to transportation, and offer high quality and compressive prices of products to our client.
Room 1001, No.1 New World Building, NO.1018 Min'an Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China, ZIP:315040
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Room 1001, No.1 New World Building, NO.1018 Min'an Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China, ZIP:315040